METAWATER believes that the tireless practice of compliance and widespread public trust will lead to sustainable growth for our Group, and foster a sound corporate culture in the process. Based on this understanding, we have established a Corporate Charter of Conduct, an Employee Code of Conduct, and Compliance Regulations, which serve as guidelines for matters of compliance to be realized and implemented by the Group. We have also established various internal regulations to tie these to concrete action, and are working to enforce compliance with laws and internal rules.
As a specialized subcommittee of the Sustainability Committee, with the legal department serving as secretariat, METAWATER has established a Compliance Subcommittee consisting of the heads of five compliance-related departments. This subcommittee is charged with checking and making improvements to the implementation status of compliance programs, studying and drafting compliance measures including company-wide education, and responding to helpline consultation cases. In response to these issues, the subcommittee holds regular quarterly meetings, as well as emergency and extraordinary meetings.
The METAWATER Group provides compliance education in the form of classroom learning, including company-wide e-learning, education for executives, and education by job rank.
In 2020, we discontinued company-wide education in which lecturers would visit bases all over Japan in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and in addition to company-wide e-learning, we created and began using themed training videos.