Belt thickener


Equipped with a running filter cloth and plow, the belt-type thickening machine realizes consistent performance when it comes to the concentration of gravity.

A high level of performance in terms of thickening for all types of sludge generated from water treatment means that it helps improve sludge treatment systems.


High level of performance in terms of thickening

The plow on the filter cloth agitates the sludge to continuously create a new filtration surface and accelerate the elimination of free water.

Consistent thickening treatment

The running speed of the filter cloth is changeable depending on the sludge properties.

Optimal filter cloth used for each application

A prompt draining effect is obtained through the use of an appropriate filter cloth based on our know-how when it comes to gravity concentration, which we have accumulated through our experience with conventional belt press dehydrators.
The filter cloth is recycled from plastic bottles, so it contributes to the building of a recycling-oriented society.

Low cost

Running costs are reduced owing to simplified construction, affordable component prices, and reduced chemical injection doses.

Energy saving

The small amount of power used for the main unit means that it helps save energy and reduce CO2 emissions.