Our concerted approach to cooperation between government and private sector

As a business partner with comprehensive capabilities

Domestically, measures must be taken immediately to address the elements of financial difficulties and engineer insufficiencies seen by local governments operating water supply and sewerage projects, the aging of facilities and equipment that were improved during Japan’s period of rapid economic growth, major earthquakes and torrential rain, and so on against the backdrop of a decreasing population.
Since the PFI Act went into effect in 1999, there has been an increase seen in terms of public-private partnership projects involving the utilization of private funds, technologies and know-how for public infrastructure improvements. In addition, since the revision of the Water Supply Act in 2018, the outsourcing of project operations to private sectors (including concessions) has been drawing attention. While expectations of private companies are rising, we are steadily expanding project areas and accumulating know-how.

Track record for public-private partnership participation in the areas of domestic water supply and sewerage

In addition to projects involving the PFI method and DBO method and which entail the comprehensive entrustment of processes spanning from design and construction to operational and maintenance management, we are also recently engaged in projects which include project plan establishment support, asset management, and fee collection. We have participated in various public-private partnership projects.

Realization of management suitable for specific facilities by leveraging lots of know-how

Track record for major public-private partnership projects entrusted to the METAWATER Group

Track record for PFI/DBO projects entrusted to the METAWATER Group

At each site, much experience and know-how are accumulated through daily operations and technological capabilities are enhanced by sharing that experience and know-how.

Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture

Kawai Water Treatment Plant Redevelopment Project


The largest membrane filtration facility in Japan
  • Client name: Yokohama Municipal Waterworks Bureau

  • Project Scope: Funding / design / construction / operation / maintenance / management related to redevelopment of Kawai Water Treatment Plant as well as effective use of raw sludge

  • Project period: [Facility improvement period] April 1, 2009 to March 31, 2015
    [Operation / Maintenance / Management period] April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2034 (20 years)

  • Project method: BTO method; Water Next Yokohama Co., Ltd. (SPC) supplies funds and constructs the facility. Then, the ownership of the facility transfers to Yokohama Municipal Waterworks Bureau. This is followed by operation, maintenance and management of the facility by the said company.

  • Water treatment capacity: 172,800 m3/day

Arao, Kumamoto Prefecture

DBO of Arao water supply projects, etc.


Advanced case in the water supply field: Extensive DBO
  • Client name: Arao Enterprise Bureau

  • Project Scope: Business and planning support, management support, sales, design construction, maintenance management and risk management responses

  • Project period: April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2021

  • Business description: Business and planning support (water supply project vision establishment and asset management), management support (technological succession support) and extensive DBO, including design-related construction of facilities and pipelines

Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima Prefecture

Projects such as refurbishing and improvement of Takizawa Water Treatment Plant


Establishing consistent maintenance management system “from water intake to the tap”
  • Client name: Aizuwakamatsu

  • Project Scope: Improvement of Takizawa Water Treatment Plant (design and construction) and maintenance management operations from the water source to the tap (including operation management of four water treatment plants and one water treatment facility in the city and the maintenance management of water supply and distribution facilities via third-party outsourcing)

  • Project period: December 16, 2013 to March 31, 2033 (19 years)
    [Newly established target facility; design and construction period] April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2018 (4 years)
    [Newly established target facility maintenance management period] April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2033 (15 years)
    [Existing facility maintenance management period] April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2033 (19 years)

  • Project method: DBO method; it designs (Design) and builds (Build) the facility. Then, SPC performs operation, maintenance and management (Operate) of the facility.

  • Maximum amount of water distribution planned: 27,000 m3/day

Hekinan, Aichi Prefecture

Wastewater sludge fuel project at Kinuura East Purification Center


Participation in first wastewater sludge fuel project in Chubu region
  • Client name: Aichi Prefecture

  • Project Scope: Designing and construction of fuel facilities, operation and maintenance management of fuel facilities and purchasing and selling of wastewater sludge carbonized fuel

  • Project period: [Facility design / construction period] December 2009 to March 2012
    [Facility operation and maintenance management period]: April 2012 to March 2032 (20 years)

  • Project method: DBO method; it designs (Design) and builds (Build) the facility. Then, SPC performs operation, maintenance and management (Operate) of the facility.

  • Sludge treatment capacity: 100 t/day x 1 line
    Amount of sludge treatment planned: 660,000 t/20 years (33,000 t/year)
    Amount of wastewater sludge carbonized fuel manufactured: About 54,000 t/20 years (about 2,700 t/year)

Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture

Comprehensive operation projects with improvement of facilities at Ofunato Purification Center

Comprehensive operations

Advanced model expanding from Ofunato
  • Client name: Ofunato

  • Project Scope: Facility improvement and maintenance management

  • Project period: April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2023 (5 years)

  • Business description: Contribution to problem solving backed by the extensive project track record and advanced technologies of METAWATER Group, such as the efficient renovation of the Ofunato Purification Center, where the amount of sewage increases on short-term basis due to increases of sewerage improvement rates. The amount of treatment being performed, however, is expected to decrease in the future due to a decreasing population, the effective utilization of regional biomass, and responses undertaken in relation to an insufficiency of engineers.

Toyohashi, Aichi Prefecture

Improvement and operation projects of sludge treatment facilities at Toyokawa Purification Center, etc.


Toward a reduction of sludge treatment costs and a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
  • Client name: Aichi Prefecture

  • Project Scope:
    (1) Sludge treatment projects, design and construction operations* and operational and maintenance management operations
    *The design and construction operations include repairs covered by the government’s subsidies based on the life extension support system.
    (2) Biogas utilization projects, design and construction operations and operational and maintenance management operations

  • Project period: December 22, 2014 (this project contract date) to March 31, 2036
    [Designing and construction operations in sludge treatment projects] As necessary
    [Designing and construction operations in biogas utilization projects] December 22, 2014 to March 31, 2017
    [Operational and maintenance management operations] October 1, 2016 to March 31, 2036

  • Project method: PFI method
    (1) Sludge treatment facilities: RO (Rehabilitate Operate) method
    (2) Biogas utilization facilities: BTO (Build Transfer Operate) method

Gotenba, Shizuoka Prefecture

Improvement and operation projects at wide-area administrative association garbage recycle facilities in Oyama-cho, Gotenba (Recycle Center)


METAWATER Group’s first
improvement and operation projects at recycle facilities based on the PFI method
  • Client name: Wide-area administrative association in Oyama-cho, Gotenba

  • Project Scope:
    (1) Operations related to design and construction of facilities and designing operations
    Development work operations, construction operations, disassembly operations at existing bulk waste treatment plant etc., neighborhood responses, related operations such as ownership transfer processes, subsidy application support of associations, licensing applications related to construction works, investigations of life environmental impacts (ex-post evaluations) and related operations such as self monitoring
    (2) Operations related to operations of facilities
    Receipt management operations, operational management operations, maintenance management operations, environment management operations, information management operations, recycling operations (sales development and selling of resources; profit on sale belongs to business operator) and others (operations such as visitor guidance, cleaning and self monitoring)

  • Project period: October 13, 2015 to March 31, 2035
    [Improvement period] October 13, 2015 to September 30, 2017
    [Operation period] October 1, 2015 to March 31, 2035
    [Period of disassembly at existing bulk waste treatment plant etc.] October 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018

  • Project method: PFI (BTO) method. After improving facilities newly in Gotenba, transfer of ownership to association and implementation based on the BTO (Build Transfer Operate) method for performing operations thereafter

Onagawa-cho, Miyagi Prefecture

Projects such as the improvement of wastewater treatment facilities at marine product processing park in Onagawa-cho


Financially independent first domestic PFI project in plant operations
  • Client name: Onagawa-cho

  • Project Scope: Design and construction related to machines and electric facilities, construction supervising related to civil engineering and construction works, meter reading, SPC operations, operation and maintenance management of facilities and shareholder financing

  • Project period: [Design / Building and Maintenance / Management / Operation period] March 14, 2014 (congressional approval date) to March 31, 2035

  • Project method: Financially independent type based on PFI (BTO) method
    After the construction of facilities by SPC, transfer of ownership of facilities to Onagawa-cho and implementation of maintenance management and operation of the facilities by SPC

  • Wastewater treatment facilities: 2,000 m3/day (maximum)

Track record in terms of contracts for maintenance management projects by METAWATER Group

Nagaoka, Niigata Prefecture

Myoken Water Treatment Plant, Outsourcing of operational management operations

[Facility capacity] 118,000 m3/day


We are engaged in the provision of operation improvement proposals conducted by our special engineers and in operational improvements through the analysis of accumulated data.

  • Comparison between designing of existing facilities and current operation situation and improvement of coagulation treatment based on trial run of operational improvements

  • Implementation of improvement of chemical injection points and the consideration and proposal of a coagulant change in a manner which utilizes the knowledge of special engineers

  • Implementation of operations rooted in region with regional companies

Characteristics of outsourcing
  • Trustee: META/JESK/Ryokusui JV

  • Operation form: 24 hours, 365 days

  • Water treatment method: Coagulation sedimentation + Rapid filtration

  • Contract form: 3-year contract

  • Contract period: October 1, 2009 to (ongoing)

Hirakata, Osaka Prefecture

Water treatment facilities, Outsourcing of operational management operations

[Facility capacity] 130,000 m3/day


Operation managers and our special engineers have realized the sophistication of operations in a cooperative manner.

  • Realization of streamlining of operations thanks to periodic maintenance inspections jointly by our special engineers and operation managers maintaining and repairing electricity, instrumentation and machines

  • Realization of early detection of abnormalities and appropriate primary responses in daily inspections thanks to the acquisition of special technologies by operation managers

Characteristics of outsourcing
  • Trustee: METAWATER only

  • Operation form: Night and holidays only (weekday/afternoon shift/direct management)

  • Water treatment method: High-speed coagulation sedimentation tank + Rapid filtration + Ozone treatment + Activated carbon treatment

  • Contract form: 3-year contract

  • Contract period: April 1, 2003 to September 30, 2006, October 1, 2009 to (ongoing)

Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture

Water operation monitoring control and facility maintenance management operation outsourcing

[Facility capacity] 129,243 m3/day


Operations are performed utilizing IT to manage wide-area water supply facilities of 400 facilities.

  • Realization of streamlining of operations, such as the simplification of report creation utilizing inspection systems which make use of the cloud for facility inspections

  • Implementation of training and water operations which utilize emergency simulations in which well-known water operation methods have been reflected upon the calculators used for monitoring control systems

Characteristics of outsourcing
  • Trustee: METAWATER only

  • Operation form: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

  • Water treatment method: Slow filtration, rapid filtration, membrane filtration and disinfection only

  • Contract form: 5-year contract

  • Contract period: April 1, 2001 to (ongoing)